Handling a Difficult Customer

Customer service is a necessary position in the job world today. It helps companies give customers what they want and what they need. Although many customers can be difficult, with the right training, skills, and knowledge, any difficult customer can be handled properly and effectively. With a positive attitude, your employee can effectively deal with the most difficult customers and both parties can end the conversation satisfied.

With the Handing A Difficult Customer course, participants will learn how engaging customers properly can benefit both the employee and customer. Effective customer service can change a company’s reputation for the better. Through this course, your participants will gain a new perspective on how to react to negative customers and leave the customer satisfied and as a returning customer.

StupanjSvi stupnjevi
Cijena€ 49,90
Trajanje*4 h h
CertifikatDa, PDF


Course Objectives
Handling a Difficult Customer
The Right Attitude Starts with You
Stress Management (Internal Stressors)
Stress Management (External Stressors)
Transactional Analysis
Why are Some Customers Difficult
Dealing with the Customer Over the Phone
Dealing with the Customer In Person
Sensitivity in Dealing with Customers
Scenarios of Dealing with a Difficult Customer
Following up
Review test
Wrapping Up
How to get your Diploma
Action Plan

Osnovne informacije

StupanjSvi stupnjevi
Cijena€ 49,90
Trajanje*4 h h
CertifikatDa, PDF

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Handling a Difficult Customer49.90
SUPERIŠKA! Kupon je primijenjen
ŽAO NAM JE, kupon je nevažeći

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* Procijenjeno ukupno trajanje. Uključuje vrijeme potrebno za prolazak kroz sadržaje programa i samostalni rad.
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Handling a Difficult Customer
Otključaj tečaj
Handling a Difficult Customer

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